ADHD Group Coaching Program

Focus, Productivity & Peak Performance Strategies to help you Thrive!

Are you a High Achieving Adult Ready to Upgrade your Life while Living with ADHD?


You are committed to unlock your potential, yet you are feeling the frustration of not being able to see the results you desire in your life. 

Your life isn't meant to feel frustrating, overwhelming or like you are constantly dropping the ball and disappointing everyone around you. 

You are brilliant! 

You simply need to learn the strategies to become more focused, efficient and effective at managing life while leaving room for fun!


Are you Struggling with Focus, Productivity or Feeling Overwhelmed?

Perhaps you are feeling trapped by the "shiny object syndrome" or feeling pulled in a thousand directions?

Despite your best efforts you are feeling overwhelmed and you struggle to finish your to-do list, and feel busy but unproductive?

Are you struggling with your relationships whether it's at home, work or friendships because you get so "caught up" in your head you neglect important people or relationships?



✔️Staying focused in a fast-paced world

✔️ Implementing and sticking to routines that support your desired life

✔️ Feeling confused, scattered & frustrated

✔️ Navigating intense emotions in healthy way

✔️Struggle to stay motivated and see reults

✔️ Inconsistent physical activity

✔️ Not knowing how to integrate the strucutre you need to reach your goals

✔️ Regulating emotions, mental energy and accessing clarity

The productivity playground is your space to learn and integrate everything you need to live the life you desire.
Once you're will see just how incredible your life can be with ADHD.

Productivity Playground ADHD Coaching Group

Is an Intimate Program Designed with Four Components:

Intimate Coaching Workshops & Masterclasses

You will have access to a SMALL intimate 12-person coaching group where you will have an opportunity to debrief, learn new skills, get laser coaching, and provide support & insight to others. 

You will also have first hand access to Masterclasses designed to teach you specific knowledge and skills to help you become more productive, efficient & thrive with your ADHD!

Access to Online Classes & Resources

When you join the group you ALSO get access to our "Live and Thrive with ADHD Course" and our "Mindful Meditation Course" as part of your participation in the group. 

You also will get access to ADHD specific resources that are fun, playful and easy to consume and implement. 

You get to learn in your own time, and can share with your partner, kids or family so you all grow together!

Virtual Productivity/Playful Sprints

It's often hard to get and stay focused on your tasks, and being productive when you are working alone. Join us so we can playfully set up your productivity session so you can get the most out of your time and effort and be celebrated for your accomplishments. 

We start with a fun check-in or playful activity, and then you get to decide what is the ONE THING you want to achieve during our "sprint".

Virtual Community & Accountability

Continue your forward movement and momentum by being connected to the community and having an accountability group where you can get individual support, get check-ins and experience the success and power of having a community committed to your success!

We often are great at following through when we make plans with others, but terrible at following through when it's just us. 



Our world becomes more and more complex each day, and each day we face multiple distractions. This has become increasingly overwhelming for people with ADHD.

The pandemic has allowed us to use technology in better ways, and yet many people with ADHD have felt more and more isolated and more misunderstood because of the changing expectations and demands that have been a result of modified work environments. 

Over the course of the last 16 years coaching people with ADHD it's become very apparent that the degree of shame and isolation experienced often keeps them from seeking the support they need. 

I recognize that an investment of $1500-$2000 a month for individual coaching is not accessible to everyone.  

So, I wanted to find a solution to provide a deep transformation to more people at a more accessible price point. 

Research has also shown there are MAJOR BENEFITS TO PARTICIPATING IN GROUP participation in healing, behavior change and maintenance of pro-active behaviors over the long-term. 

In essence people that participated in groups, made changes quicker, with greater ease, and maintained them over a longer period of time.


Because we are wired to be relational-beings. We are not wired to exist in a vacuum isolated from each other, but rather to learn and grow through relationships. Relationships provide the greatest vehicle for unbiased feedback, supported growth and connectedness.

A group of people who struggle with similar things allows us to feel validated and normalize our experiences when we hear others who struggle in the same way.

When a group member is courageous enough to share their struggles publicly and get coached, they also serve as a REFLECTION of our own struggles, and allow us to learn new ways of dealing with them by simply being able to observe and integrate the coaching given to that person.

"Shame lives in secrets"  - Brene Brown
When we struggle, as human beings we have a tendency to isolate "in order to save face" and consequently we come to believe that we are the ONLY ONES who struggle, and the only ones who face challenges the way we do.

It allows you to feel "less crazy and more normal", and learn powerful coping strategies without necessarily having to share your entire experience.

Choosing to participate in a group allows us to immediately DECREASE AND DEACTIVATE the EFFECT OF SHAME in your life, and allow you to feel a sense of connection and humanness with other people who also struggle in similar ways.

When we participate in a group we get to learn in a quicker way the skills necessary for us to become more successful.

Because when you are coached in a group, you learn BOTH when you are on the hotseat, as well as when you are a listener. In fact, people have often said that they learn MORE when they are in the listener's seat, because they feel "no pressure" to share their challenge in a specific way, they have no shame or self-conscousness about their struggles and how they are being affected by them, and they have the clear presence to see themselves reflected in the "coachee" and to take the suggestions and apply them without pressure.

Ultimately, we tend to be mirrors of one another. What we see in others is likely because of what we see in ourselves. So as we see others improving and making changes, it provides the inspiration, motivation and impetus for us to also make positive changes in our lives.

Therefore you learn and grow in an expedited manner when you are in a group. You grow exponentially when you are in the hotseat, and you learn when you are listening attentively to other's experiences as they are being coached, and you can see how they might be similar to yours and think about what you might need to apply them.

A true community of other amazing people who get it. This alone is a powerful expereince. You will be inspired, encouraged and see you are not alone.

Make leaps and bounds along with others doing the same, upgrading your life and thriving with ADHD!! 

Please understand that "enrolling" in this program is the first step in creating a meaningful change in your life. Consider enrollment a "deposit" holding your spot in the group.

AFTER you enroll (or before), you will be asked to complete an application and an INTAKE EVALUATION to ensure that you will be a good fit for the group. 

If after completing your application and intake, we decide that you won't be a good fit for the program we will gladly refund your payment. 




Choose the option most convenient for you. Commitment is for 6-months and you can re-engage again if desired. Spots will only open after the first 6-months when a member graduates. 

Best Value


per month


Access to Live & Thrive with ADHD course ($1998 Value)

Access to Mindful Meditation Program ($198 value)


90 min Group Coaching twice a month ($700 value)

Weekly Accountability

60 min Playful Productivity Sprint twice a month ($500 value)


Most popular


per month

Access to Live & Thrive with ADHD course ($1998 Value)

Access to Mindful Meditation Program ($198 value)

90 min Group Coaching twice a month 

Weekly Accountability

60 min Playful Productivity Sprint twice a mont

Access to the Quantum Leap Your Results Program ($495 Value)

A monthly 30-minute 1:1 session ($250 Value)

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Having ADHD Doesn't have to spell Disaster!

Learn how to conquer neurodiversity and thrive with new skills!

Here are some sample lessons you will get access to:

  • What is ADHD Anyway?
  • Increasing Working Memory & Executive Function
  • Motivation: Get things done!
  • Medical Management of ADHD
  • Effective Time Management
  • Emotional Management
  • Effective Communication
  • Behavioral Management
  • Organize your Space & Clear out clutter and many more!

Mindful Meditation Course

This course is an introduction to meditation that happens gradually over 6 months.

It will help you get connected to yourself and help you learn how to begin using meditation as a tool to improve your focus, concentration, awareness, insight and intuition. 

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Quantum Leap Your Results!

Included in the "most popular" option.

This course is everything you need to know to understand the quality, intensity, emotional sources of your energy and direct them into the most supportive systems and routines to quantum leap your results.


  • KEY MINDSETS OF SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE  - A short video training for you to learn the key mindsets that successful people adopt that allows them to thrive in any part of their life!
  • A GUIDE TO MANIFESTING MAGIC & MIRACLES- Receive a downloadable guide on how you can begin to manifest the things you most want in your life. 
  • 6 SECRETS OF A PEAK PERFORMING MINDSET- This is a powerful e-book that details the 6 main principles that will lead to high performance in all areas of your life. 
  • HOW TO ACCOMPLISH YOUR GOALS EFFECTIVELY- This 2-page worksheet allows you to set goals in a way that you will be able to track and accomplish them as you follow the steps. Print it, copy it, and complete it as many times as you'd like!
  • Synapse Integrative Wellness LLC

    “I went from living in chaos and being so stressed out to finally making progress, achieving my goals and having a more peaceful environment!”

  • Synapse Integrative Wellness LLC

    “I have learned so much about ADHD, how my brain works, and how to motivate myself and how to set myself up for success! Most importantly my confidence has grown exponentially!”

  • Synapse Integrative Wellness LLC

    “I was surprised by how much my focus and productivity improved by following simple practices over the course of a few weeks! I just need to keep it up now. ”

  • Synapse Integrative Wellness LLC

    “I made the time to watch the modules, take notes, and picked 2 things to implement after each one. And I've been stunned by the progress I've made in a short time both in my work, and my living environment!”


  • If you are motivated and committed to applying the information and open to coaching.
  • If you are ready to upgrade and optimize your brain, and doing what it takes to get there.
  • If your tired of being stuck in overwhelm and overwork and want to embrace ease and flow.
  • If you are ready to unlock your unlimited potential and are willing to be vulnerable, take imperfect action, and support others as you receive support. 


  • If you are stuck in victim stories and excuses.
  • If you’re not willing to put in the effort to upgrade and optimize your brain.
  • If you just want information but are not ready to implement anything. 
  • You like to use being overwhelmed and unfocused as a convenient excuse not to be successful. 
  • If you don’t want to be among the first few people that learns how to unlock their hidden potential.


  • TO completely RE-WIRE your brain so you can BECOME the powerful, present & focused transformational leader you are here to be!


  • This will enable you to HAVE greater ease, joy, success, more free time, financial abundance, meaning and satisfaction!

  • And ultimately FEEL effective, efficient, and powerful in all that you do. You will feel the JOY, EASE & FLOW, that comes from working elegantly and efficiently.



Dr. Elena Estanol is a #1 Best-selling author, High performance psychologist & Intuitive Prosperity Business Mentor who has been up-leveling speakers, performers, athletes, coaches & purpose-based entrepreneurs to become extraordinary beings and legendary leaders for over 16 years. 

I have been coaching students, adults, couples and leaders struggling with ADHD for over 16 years helping them achieve their goals and find a way to thrive in life. 

I also have ADHD so I understand from the inside out what it's like to have ADHD and have spend most of my life learning new skills and strategies to help myself and those I work with. 

In addition to my psychology background, I trained to become an ADHD coach, I am a certified master practitioner and trainer of NLP,  I am certified in Havening, Superconscious Transformation, Huna and and I'm a Reiki Master. I bring all of my training and experience in working with my clients/students and integrate in an intuitive manner based on their needs. 

We also have a team of amazing coaches who are all Master Practitioners or Trainers of NLP and have been delivering incredible transformations to their clients. 

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Do you have any additional questions?

Feel free to send us a message if you have additional questions or would like to speak with me. Just bear in mind that it may take a few weeks before we can schedule an appointment. 

Did you include your phone number? Thank you for your message, we will get in touch with you as soon as we can!