


***This is an essay on fear, inspired by a very scary experience I had. I wrote it initially for me, and then realized I should share with others. **

Fear is the greatest THIEF of life.

The destroyer of freedom, imprisoning us in a cell of illusions and projections.

We engage with fear as if it was a “real” threat, but in reality it is simply an illusion.

The experience from a past hurt, disappointment or threat that we are bringing into the present and projecting into the future…

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So what's the fuss with meditation all about??

One of my clients said to me: "You always find a way to bring things back to meditation."

I thought it was a funny observation, yet I realized that while I often encourage our clients to engage in a practice of meditation or mindfulness, I don't always share some of the research or science behind it.

Research shows meditation works. It can help you reduce stress, be happier & less reactive. It also has shown to increase decision-making, compassion, and…

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Are you Unknowingly Killing Your Motivation?

Staying Motivated can be one of the biggest challenges we face. 

Do you recognize this...
You wake up and have an idea or plan of what you want to do...
Then one thing, leads to another, to another...
Pretty soon, half the day is gone and you didn't get "THE THING" You wanted to do, done...

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The 7 Types of ADHD

Did you know there are 7 different types of ADHD? If you struggle with ADHD you've probably noticed that you are not like others with ADHD...

As a clinician and coach who specializes in treating ADHD, I can tell you that everyone with ADHD is NOT THE SAME!

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental difference known for the challenges it causes with executive function, memory, impulse control. Overall the functions in the pre-frontal cortex of the brain.

There are many symptoms of ADHD but the most co…

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The Dark Side of Productivity

Do you beat yourself up for not being productive enough?
Or are you constantly thinking of ways to increase your productivity?

One of the things I often tell my clients is: “There is such a thing as too much of a good thing!”

And this is especially true if you are Neurodiverse or have ADHD. Because our neurodiverse brains tend to like EXTREMES.

So…what I see in my clients and experience myself is this oscillation between being “unproductive” and then experiencing a surge of Guilt, Pa…

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Taming Your ADHD in the Summertime

know what you might be thinking… I was looking forward to the summer to relax and take a break!

And you can do that! Often summer brings lots of fun, adventures and an easier schedule. And while most people think that they will “work” at improving their ADHD MANAGEMENT SKILLS over the Fall when school starts, it’s often too late!

What do I mean by that?

Think of yourself as an elite athlete.

If you are an athlete and serious about your sport, you won’t take the summer off and “hope” to be in shape …

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Call For A New Leadership



It is time for a NEW LEADERSHIP in your life, in our world. It is time.

 This post is NOT about politics or the new president, though I hope you have claimed your right to cast your vote, as this is an important part of our civil rights and duties.

But today, I want to talk about The CALL FOR A NEW LEADERSHIP…

Regardless of who “wins”,  the reality is that we cannot wait for “someone” else to step up and improve our lives.


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My Journey into Holistic Healing and Integrative Wellness


You may be wondering why all of a sudden I am so passionate about holistic healing, essential oils, hemp oil, and so committed about whole food nutrition?

It may sound surprising to some of you, and you may even wonder what has caused this shift in our practice, so I wanted to share the big “WHY” behind it.

Seven years ago I had a life-changing injury. Many of you saw me go through it, and some of you never even knew. I fell down and broke my ankle, which required emergency surgery.

That was …

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