How to End Pain, Fatigue, and Feeling Trapped By Your Body Without Spending Hours in the Gym and Eating Boring "Diet" Food!

Get the Vitality, Energy, and High Performance You've Been Longing For!

Let Me Guess Why You Are Here

I'm getting out my crystal ball!

You're fed up with feeling blah, fatigued, run down, stressed out.......

You're tired of having brain fog and not being able to think clearly.......
You're sick of aches and pains that never seem to go away.......
You're uncomfortable with how your clothes fit.......
You're tired of being moody, irritable or easily frustrated...
You want to lose weight without feeling deprived...
be happy
The story I always hear is: 
“I just feel like crap and drained all of the time. My energy is in the toilet, especially in the afternoons, and to make things worse I have these aches and pains that won't go away. I also feel fat and bloated and I can't seem to lose weight no matter how hard I try.” 
Can you imagine what life would be like if:
You woke up ready to face your day, excited and full of energy knowing you could deal with everything life throws at you.
Your mind is super sharp all day long allowing you to anticipate problems before they arise and to accomplish more than you ever have.
You felt completely free in your body allowing you to move and be active throughout the day.
You were able to stand tall with confidence and motivation because you liked how you looked.
You felt unstoppable & performing at your highest level. 

You open each day with gratitude; looking forward to what you can create because you feel refreshed and amazing.


So What Does The Inflammation Solution Do For You?

How will your life be different?



✔  Feel revitalized and have far more energy.

✔  Eliminate cravings for sugar, sweets, and other foods that might make you feel guilty.

✔  Eliminate brain fog and receive total mental clarity. 

 ✔  No more feeling bloated, gassy, or running to the bathroom unexpectedly.

✔  Significantly reduced or eliminated aches and pains.

✔  Decrease in stubborn, unwanted fat.

✔  Increased confidence and motivation.

✔  Create sustainable, healthy weight loss.

The Inflammation Solution
Where did it come from?


I haven't always been a Happy, Healthy, and Strong person. I thought I was doing all the right things with food, and I found myself 65 lbs. overweight, clinically depressed, and diagnosed with an incurable chronic disease. I had a Master's Degree in Nutrition and created dietary supplements, my body was quite literally giving up on me. I believed I was a complete failure and was filled with frustration and fear that I was going to die an early death. 

And then the most difficult time in my life started. My wife at the time had a terrible accident and was completely disabled and I was just starting a new job as a State Trooper where I would have to live apart from her 4 days out of the week.

I was becoming sicker.  The stress of my job and my wife's disability, I began to rapidly gain weight and have increased symptoms of my disease due to stress and emotional eating.

Both of us were on the brink physically and mentally. Things were so dark for us that we actually discussed divorcing. Thankfully neither one of us was ready to give up on our 10 plus years of marriage and we are both stubborn as hell. 

I knew something needed to change.  The answer to what was keeping me overweight and sick was out there and if the doctors wouldn’t help, then I was going to have to do it.

I became a science sponge. I read everything I could about nutrition and healing the body naturally. I discovered all of this information about inflammation and how it caused chronic disease. I realized both my wife and I were dealing with massive amounts of inflammation from how we were eating and living. 

Research showed me that food can be the best medicine or worst poison. I created a list of anti-inflammatory foods and supplements so that I could gut healing, anti-inflammatory meals for both of us.

Within a few days of eating this way………..a lot began to change. My wife noticed the pain and pressure in her legs was really down and that should could stand and walk for much longer.  I noticed that my uniform was fitting a lot better and that my colitis symptoms were improving.

The awesome thing is that we both really enjoyed the food we were eating and we didn’t have cravings.

The results were stunning. Ultimately, my wife healed even though doctors believed that she would be partially disabled for life. I lost all my extra weight and cured an incurable chronic disease. All with the power of eating anti-inflammatory foods and healing the gut.

I’ve always known that my mission was to help people. I suppose is why I ended up being a cop. Being a cop didn't allow me to help people on the massive scale I was so eager for.

The Inflammation Solution was born because I realized that how I could help people on a massive scale was through sharing what I’ve learned about inflammation and the gut so the world could become healthy, happy, and strong.



- I've gotten rid of all of my unwanted weight and my wife can't keep her hands off me.

- I feel I have seemingly limitless energy and stamina, even when I am very active throughout the day.
- I have no gut pain or symptoms from ulcerative colitis and I haven't taken medication for over a year.
I know this sounds unbelievable, but I've seen the power of this approach to food work for so many people. 


I firmly believe in testing things myself before I ask my clients to do anything, so when my best friend was struggling, I did everything in my power to help her. 

You may or may not know Dr. Elena. She is a vibrant, smart and funny high performance psychologist, intuitive business mentor and aerial dancer. Most people that meet her would never suspect she ever struggled with anything, as she always seems to be like the energizer bunny. 

But 7 years ago, she had a terrible accident that left her disabled for 3 years! She had several complications, and surgeries, and was in and out of crutches unable to walk or stand for 3 years.
They even threatened to have her leg amputated!  Having been a ballerina and so energetic all the time, it was a tortuous time for her. She did have surgery on both her legs, but while it provided some improvement, she was still in excruciating pain, and for the most part was still disabled. And the thing is, most of the doctors didn't know what to do with her. They said, she needed to get used to this new way of life.
But the issue, wasn't just her legs, it was also her hands, her back, her knees, and her gut. At times she'd drop things because she couldn't grip objects hard enough without pain. She was in so much pain, that there were days she literally couldn't get out of bed. 
She refused to accept this as her new life, and poured herself into learning all kinds of healing and alternative practices. I got busy in the kitchen. Between her intuition guiding her to make some dietary changes, and my research confirming those changes, we identified the things she needed to stay away from, but not necessarily what we needed to do. 
My research and prior knowledge of dietary supplements, along with new education, allowed me to create this program to heal both of us. I finally understood that the gut is where everything happens and that if something is out of whack there, nothing in the body will heal.
With my protocol, not only did she regain her energy, the use of her legs, and the pain in her body and gut decreased; but she was able to start doing aerial dance! (something that requires an inordinate amount of strength, and a strong grip.)
She is a strong advocate of the program, because not only has it allowed her to get her life back, she has noticed that the closer she adheres to the protocol the more her performance mentally and physically increases.
And she is doing things she never thought would be possible. She has recognized that taking care of her body and nutrition are the core components of high performance and now she integrates it into what she does and teaches. It is why we are such a great team. 

The Right Support is What Will Spark the Change You Desire!

What You'll Get In This Program:

-TWO - Individual Deep Dive Coaching  Calls where you will uncover hidden belief patterns that have caused you caused you to lose track of your health and to create a new set of beliefs from a place of empowerment so that you can take back control of your health. ($1000 value)
SIX- Educational Training modules where you will get practical information that will help you make the best decisions for your health and wellness consistently. ($1200 value)
The Inflammation Solution Guidebook which will set the foundation for your healing and wellness at the outset of this program.  This will give your body an opportunity to reduce the systemic inflammation that is sapping your energy and keeping you from living a vibrant life. ($200 value)
The Inflammation Solution Supplementation Guide  which will show you all the supplements you need to feel great again while healing your gut and reducing cravings.  I'm a firm believer in getting nutrients from food, but some things we can't get enough of in the form of food, which is why supplements are important. ($200 value)
- Meal Planning Guide which will help take the guess work out of what meals you should prepare and reduce confusion when it comes to going shopping for groceries! ($150 value)
- Inflammation Solution Approved Recipes that are simple and super tasty.  These recipes will help you realize that healthy food doesn't have to taste bad or bland! ($250 value)
- Cooking Instructional Videos that show how easy it really can be to make some of the healthiest, most delicious food that you will ever want to eat.  Many people that have participated in this program are intimidated by the kitchen.  These videos show you just how easy healthy food can be.  ($500 value)
- Accountability- Get paired with another participant in our program to have an additional layer of accountability so you don't ever feel like you are in this journey alone. 


  • Synapse Integrative Wellness LLC

    “"My days of drinking 7-8 sodas a day, bags of chips, fried foods, and gas station food were over. Honestly now, I can say I don't even miss that stuff. I see what I have accomplished and how good I feel and look. So when I see that stuff, instead of craving it, or needing it, I think about how much it was holding me back and actually hurting me.

    The Inflammation Solution helped me train myself not only to eat better, but to want to eat better. Shayn provides recipes for full meals, and meals you can make a plan for. They are delicious."  ”

  • Synapse Integrative Wellness LLC

    “I had been wanting to lose 25 pounds for the past four years and never had the right mindset to commit. I joined Shayn's program and he made it so easy for my crazy lifestyle of owning my own business and working 70+ hours a week. I needed convenience and simplicity, and the online program was perfect for me! I am down 17 pounds in three months! I am thrilled and I can't believe how much better I feel. I am shocked that I haven't missed bread at all and that was one of my biggest fears because I am a chocoholic, carb, loving 50+ woman! 
    Shayn's knowledge about nutrition and understanding the mystery of today's food  labeling at the grocery store was a huge eye opening lesson that has helped with my weight loss. Thanks Shayn for giving me the kick-start I needed earlier this year for making my body hurt less and weigh less!”

    Photographer & Entrepreneur

  • Synapse Integrative Wellness LLC

    “I started doing The Inflammation Solution looking to shed some pounds after a long weight loss stall. After starting the program, I immediately lost about 10 lbs in the first 9 days. I steadily dropped weight through the 6 week program. I was able to eat as much as I wanted without having to count calories, so I was able to feel satisfied throughout the day.

    The group support was great, as well as the coaching from Shayn. With the group, you have a sense of accountability to maintain your goals and be open about how you are maintaining or achieving them.”

Inflammation Solution Investment Options

Choose the option that is best for you! 

Self-Guided Program



6 monthly payments

6 Online Modules


Cooking Videos

Meal Planning Guides

Two Coaching Calls (total)



Total Value = $3500 

Most Popular

Including Monthly Coaching


6 monthly payments

6 Online Modules


Cooking Videos

Meal Planning Guides

Two Individual Coaching Calls a Month!


Total Value: $8500

Most Value!

Single Payment


Save $285 from Self-Guided program

6 Online Modules


Cooking Videos

Meal Planning Guides

Two Coaching Calls (total)



 Total Value = $3500

Inflammation Solution Modules


Module 1: Detox Your Environment

Learn about the 3 massive food mistakes that are sapping your energy, causing pain and inflammation, and keeping you from losing weight. 

 You will learn about what things you should Detox (remove) from your environment to achieve the most from The Inflammation Solution.

 Find out how to replenish your environment with foods and practices that actually support your goals of living a long, high impact life!
Mind Your Mindset.png

Module 2: Mind Your Mindset For Optimal Health

Learn about your limiting beliefs and how they are keeping you stuck.

Understand how your personality type impacts your decisions and behaviors.

Get clear on intention setting to give yourself the best opportunity to be successful with the Inflammation Solution and other areas of your life.  

Copy of Live and Thrive by Healing Your Gut

Module 3: Heal Your Gut

Learn what a health gut actually is!

Learn common signs and symptoms of gut issues that are creating inflammation.
Understand what the most problematic foods are for the gut and learn how to heal yourself through food.

Module 4: Food Labeling Simplified

Food labeling is confusing for even the most savvy and informed shopper. 

Learn about ingredients to look out for and things that are mislabeled which may negatively impact your health.  

Get an understanding for health related claims on packaged foods and see how they are using these claims to luring shoppers into buying products that are supposedly healthy.


Module 5: The Craving Conundrum

Understand the major factors in why you can't give up certain foods easily. 

Learn how certain foods are both physically and psychologically addictive.

Learn which foods are more addictive than some street drugs.

Understand how to beat cravings and get practical tools for when they come up!


Module 6: The Lifestyle

Learn about how to set The Inflammation Solution as the foundation for eating so you can live a long lasting, high impact life that you deserve.

Understand how establishing habit creates permanent behavior while not being completely rigid with what you eat all of the time. 
Learn how to incorporate different foods in a way that keeps you headed toward your goals!


✔  ACCESS TO OUR MINDFUL MEDITATION PROGRAM - Learn to meditate in as easy as 10 minutes a day and learn to harness your new found energy and mental clarity while reducing the stress of your day to day life. This is a 6-month meditation program. 

✔  ACCESS TO THE SUCCESS ACCELERATOR COURSE - This mini-course will help you get started with the right foot and mindset so you can be truly successful at implementing the changes that you are making for the long haul!

✔  ACCESS TO HOME WORKOUT VIDEOS - Maximize your results from the comfort of your home. You will have access to workout videos to help you become stronger & more agile. 

Join Us
  • Synapse Integrative Wellness LLC

    “The Inflammation Solution food plan was a cleanse, energy boost, and weight loss program all in one easy package. After just 9 days I felt lighter, brighter, and had more energy than I'd felt in years!”

    Entrepreneur & Coach

  • Synapse Integrative Wellness LLC

    “We are so excited! I have experienced significant weight loss and more energy and rarely experience heart burn. It is amazing. ”

    Coach & Trainer

  • Synapse Integrative Wellness LLC

    “I lost over 45 lbs in only 6 months! I would have never been able to get to this place without this program.
    Not only have I lost a lot of weight, I also feel like a stronger more confident person. It is different than ANY diet or therapy out there. Now I get to travel and do whatever I want without feeling self-conscious. Thank you so much!”

    Full Time Student

We often wonder if something will work for us or not, and we use all kinds of excuses to delay, postpone, and stall in taking action. But the reality is that unless WE CHOOSE TO TAKE ACTION and COMMIT to ourselves, we will continue to experience the same reality and the same problems we have been experiencing. So if you don't want to change a thing about your life, no worries. Just recognize that is the choice you are making. 

However, IF YOU WANT TO TRANSFORM YOUR BODY, YOUR HEALTH AND YOUR LIFE, this is the BEST thing you can do for yourself, for your health, your family, and your career, because when you feel good, you will perform at higher and higher levels and this will translate into better health, better relationships, more success, more money!




If you want to be sure that this program is the right  fit for you? OR would you like to participate in the program AND have more personalized support?

Then click the button and schedule a Free Consultation with me.

Please recognize that my time is limited, so please set an alarm on your calendar and realize this is not free coaching, but an opportunity to get clarity about your fit for this program. We really want to see you reach your goals!

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